論文(査読有) | Peer-reviewed
[5] Tanaka, G., Henmi, Y., Maekawa, T., Niiyama, S. and Komatsu, T.: Ostracods
Reveal Jomon Transgression – A Case Study of the Holocene Borehole Core
from Maejima Island, Kumamoto, Southwest Japan –, Proceedings of the 2019
CWMD Conference September 19-21, 2019, Kumamoto University, Japan. p.
715–724, 2019.
[4] Niiyama, S., Tanaka, G., Komatsu, T.: Recent shallow water ostracod assemblage
from the river mouth of the Giang Thanh River, Southern Vietnam. Proceedings
of the 2019 CWMD Conference September 19-21, 2019, Kumamoto University,
Japan. p. 694–701, 2019.
[3] Maekawa, T., Niiyama, S., Tanaka, G., Matsumoto, K. and Komatsu, T., 2019:
Recent ostracod assemblage from Phu Quoc Island, southern Vietnam.
Proceedings of the 2019 CWMD Conference September 19-21, 2019, Kumamoto
University, Japan. p. 513–517, 2019.
[2] Niiyama, S., Tanaka, G., Komatsu, T., Doan, H. D., Nguyen, H. B., Trinh, H. T.,
Nguyen, M. T.: Holocene ostracod assemblages from the Co To Islands,
northeastern Vietnam. Journal of Micropalaeontology, vol. 38, p. 97–111, 2019.
[1] Tanaka, G., Henmi, Y., Masuda, T., Moriwaki, H., Komatsu, T., Zhou, B.,
Maekawa, T., Niiyama, S., Phong, N. D., Doan, H. D. and Ikeya, N.: Recent
ostracod distribution in western Kyushu, Japan, related to the migration of
Chinese faunal elements, Marine Micropaleontology, Vol. 146, pp. 1-38, 2019.
doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2018.12.002
[8] 新山颯大, 神谷隆宏, 田中源吾:南西諸島の浅海域における現生介形虫群.
[7] 新山颯大:流れ藻上に生活する介形虫―介形虫の拡散手段の解明に向
けて―.第19回 漂着物学会 柏崎大会, 2019年10月.
[6] Niiyama, S., Gengo Tanaka, Toshifumi Komatsu: Recent Shallow Water Ostracod
Assemblage from the Giang Thanh River, Southern Vietnam. 2019 International
Conference on climate change, disaster management and environmental
sustainability, EPS-5, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, September, 2019.
[5] 新山颯大, 田中源吾, 小松俊文, Phuong T. M. Nguyen,Nguyen D. Phong:中部
ベトナム沿岸の現生浅海性介形虫群とその生物地理学的意義. 日本古生物学
[4] 新山颯大, 田中源吾, 小松俊文, Doan D. Hung, Nguyen D. Phong, Phuong T. M.
虫生物地理区の再検討―.日本地質学会 西日本支部 平成30年度総会 第170
回例会, O-8,2019年3月.
[3] Niiyama, S., Tanaka, G., Komatsu, T., Phong D. Nguyen, and Nguyen T. M.
Phoung: Recent benthic ostracod assemblage in Vietnam: a proposal for a new
biogeographic boundary, Third Asian Ostracod Meeting, August, 2018.
[2] 新山颯大,小松俊文,田中源吾,ザン ディン フン,グエン ダック フォン:北部ベト
ナムのコートー諸島から産出した現生貝形虫群.日本古生物学会第167 回例
[1] 新山颯大,北村有迅,坂口有人:中甑島北部および上甑島のビトリナイト反射率.
日本地質学会西日本支部 平成28年度総会 第168回例会,P-05,2017年2月.